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It is anticipated that the redevelopment will include new residential accommodation alongside a range of supporting retail, commercial, leisure and community uses within an overall masterplan for the area.

It is anticipated that the development will include a range of housing tenures to suit a wide range of housing requirements. The proposed housing mix will be set out in the planning application, informed by this public consultation and in consultation with local housing providers.

There will be provision of off-street private resident parking.  This will include individual electric vehicle charging points. The proposed parking provision will be set out in the planning application, informed by the consultation as well as the tenure mix and planning policy on parking.

This site is also well connected to sustainable public transport modes.  Dumbarton Central Station is located 350m to the north of the centre of the site, which connects with Glasgow going east and Helensburgh/Balloch to the west.  The 1, 206 and 208 bus services operated by First Bus (servicing Helensburgh, Clydebank, Glasgow, Alexandria and Balloch as well as local stops in Dumbarton) are accessed via stops immediately adjacent to the Artizan Centre on the High Street.

Communal cycle stores will also be provided within the development.

Yes, further investigation is taking place on how the development can integrate low and zero-carbon generating technologies to offset a proportion of emissions arising from the use of the buildings.  The proposals have been designed with due consideration of resource use and will ensure with the Building Standards and incorporate Low and Zero Carbon Generating Technologies (LZCGT). 

There is an opportunity for a mix of retail, cafes and restaurants to occupy the retained and proposed new ground floor units.

Public realm works and upgrades to the retained elements of the Artizan Centre are proposed to be undertaken up until mid-2025, with new development proposed to take place on a phased basis thereafter.  Whilst the development progresses there will be the opportunity to create temporary open space and pop-up retail facilities to minimize impacts on the amenity of the area as far as possible.

Following the pre-application public consultation process, an application for planning permission in principle for the masterplan will be prepared for submission later this year.  There will be the opportunity for interested parties to make further comments on the proposals to the planning authority at that stage as well as to take part in future consultations on the detailed phases of the masterplan as these come forward for delivery over the coming years.